Banff Jasper Collection

Want to know our best kept secret? Sunday is the best day of the week to visit the Banff Gondola. There are fewer crowds, better programming and it’s still the weekend after all! Here are our top 3 reasons why Sunday is the day to visit.

1. Sundays are for Family

A father and son look out a Banff Gondola cabin.

Did you know kids go FREE before noon? That’s right! Receive one free child admission with each adult before 10 AM daily. While you’re here, enjoy self-guided fun in our exciting new interpretive centre. This package includes Banff Gondola admission, cookies and an activity book for each family to work through. Plus, not only do kids go FREE but there’s fewer crowds on Sundays as most people tend to visit the day before!

This offer is available before 10 AM daily from May 1, 2018 to October 8, 2018. From $64/adult.

2. Sundays are for Setting Intent for the Week Ahead

Yoga at the top of the Banff Gondola.

Setting an intention is like drawing a map of where you wish for your week to go. Start your week off right with a one-hour mountaintop yoga session hosted by lululemon accompanied with music by local rotating Acoustic Musicians or Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. Mountaintop Yoga is included with admission—reserve your place online to start your morning right.

If yoga isn’t your thing, there are scenic hiking trails leading away from the summit complex. One of the most popular is the self-guided interpretive Sulphur Mountain Boardwalk to Sanson's Peak on which you can follow in the footsteps of Norman Sanson, who walked to the top of the mountain about every week for 30 years to check the weather. At the peak, step back in time and experience the Sulphur Mountain Cosmic Ray Station—a National Historic Site of Canada. More adventurous hikers will want to try the South East Ridge Trail—a hiking trail that runs along the ridge of the mountain to the south, taking you to Sulphur Mountain's true summit.

3. Sundays are for lunching

Two women raise wine glasses in a cheers at a window seat, looking out towards tree-covered mountains.

When your biggest dilemma is sweet or savoury, life is pretty good. Also, by the way, on Sundays, it’s perfectly acceptable to add booze to lunch. Bring on the Caesers and mimosas! From a quick snack to an unforgettable three-course meal, there’s a wide range of choices if you’re hungry at the top of Sulphur Mountain. Our chef has crafted fresh and locally-sourced menus that will fuel you up for a hike or help you wind down as you watch the sunset behind the Rockies.

See you this Sunday at the Banff Gondola!

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